会計税務の英語表記を下記にまとめてみました 。
法人税 corporate income tax 所得税 individual income tax 消費税 consumption tax 課税所得 taxable income 税率 tax rate 加算 add 減算 deduct 税制改正 tax reform 税務申告書 tax return 税金の納付 tax payment 中間納付 interim tax payment 見込納付 estimated tax payment 申告期限 deadline for a tax return 還付請求 request for refund 申告期限の延長 filing extension 累進税率 graduated tax rates 控除 deduction 社会保険料 social insurance premium 生命保険料 life insurance premium 地震保険料 earthquake insurance premium 寄付金 donation 留保項目 temporary difference 社外流出 permanent difference 減価償却 depreciation 引当金 provision 交際費 entertainment expense 損金不算入な non-deductible 損金算入な deductible 役員報酬 directors’ compensation 定期同額 fixed compensation 事前確定届出 pre-notified compensation 業績連動 performance-linked compensation 受取配当金 dividend received 欠損金 tax loss 欠損を次期に繰り越す to carry forward a tax loss 繰越欠損金を使用する to use a tax loss 繰越欠損金が失効する to forfeit a tax loss 税額控除 tax credit 外国税額控除 foreign tax credit 給与所得 employment income 利子所得:interest income 配当所得:dividend income 不動産所得:real estate income 事業所得:business income 給与所得:employment income 退職所得:retirement income 山林所得:timber income 譲渡所得:capital gains 一時所得:occasional income 雑所得:miscellaneous income 復興特別所得税 Special Income Tax for Reconstruction 譲渡所得 capital gain 税務調査 tax audit 修正申告書 amended tax return グループ通算制度 Japanese group relief 収益認識 revenue recognition
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